Popular culture is a kind of cultures which are admired or liked by many people or a particular person and group. It allows anybody to freely choose which one of the pop cultures they prefer. Popular cultures which happen in this world involve the social media. It means that social media have their own roles to introduce to the public what are going on currently. Then, when a popular culture is getting more attractive to some people it will become a commodity. There are many sorts of music that people like; each of them has its specification. The one which represents the public’ emotions is hardcore music or it is well-known as screamo music. This term appeared along with the different singing techniques. Group bands will be categorized as screamo bands if the vocalist use unclean vocal and deep meaning within the song lyrics.

The significations of meaning of structuralism become a vehicle to analyze the screamo music as popular culture. The structure of the lyric song in this genre leads to how we as the public understand the music itself. For instance, the group band from Sheffield, United Kingdoms called ‘Bring Me the Horizon’ brings something new to kinds of hardcore music. Of course, the vocalist of this band uses unclean vocal to sing. As the development of technologies grows fast and information can easily come to us, the fame of this band reaches to the apex of popularity. This band influences many people around the universe, especially teenagers. The songs that they serve are about love, hate, regret, sins, death and something ideological.

Furthermore the impacts of this band give significant value to appreciate music. People who love this music also have their interests to something that belong to this band. The meanings of how huge fans come up when they represent this band in their lives. The members of the band will take control fans with their products, for example are products of clothing and merchandises. The huge fans of this band will wear kind of clothes related to ‘Bring Me the Horizon’ or other related music genres. 

We knew that screamo bands such as Bring Me the Horizon is a popular culture nowadays. This band has been a commodity through the mass media and their fans. It does not matter the way how they deliver message of their song but the attractive packages of the screamo bands generate new understanding of meaningful song lyrics.

Talking about how the concept of social problem, especially in popular culture. It refers to screamo music which may be become something difference and marginal in our society. As the example is the lyric which in term of any fairly short, non narrative poem presenting a single speaker who expresses a state of mind or process of thought and feeling (Abrams, 1981:89). The meaning of lyrics itself for screamo band is very profound. Beyond the unclean vocal of screamo band such as ‘Bring Me the Horizon’, there are expressed emotions within the lyrics. One of the characteristics that distinguish literature from non-literary writing is its concern with conveying the emotion that accompanies an experience (Altenberg and Lewis, 1966: 62). Without ignoring the structure of the meaning of their lyrics we as the part of society can see how they try to convey the product of culture to the people. Their music may express the representation of culture as modern necessity.

According to Jonathan Culler structuralist poetics is not essentially concerned with established meaning: it seeks not to produce new interpretation of works but to understand how they can have the meanings and effects that they do (Carter, 2006:54). In other word, the lyrics of Bring Me the Horizon also have the meanings and effects that they do. First, the meanings of their lyrics constitute one of the expressional feelings of the song writer, Oliver Sykes. These are not only kind of talentless genre within the lyrics but he wants to show that this is ours and nobody could not claim it, whether the societies accept them or they just consider them as a form of rebellion of youth age, although ‘Bring Me the Horizon’ is a group of music artist which have the right to make works of music with their ways.

Secondly, effects of ‘Bring Me the Horizon’ itself as a group band can be more obvious. There are good effects for those who understand their music are just to enjoy and their influences toward the developments of hardcore/screamo music generate something unique such as concepts of group bands. So many group bands were born beneath their influences. 

In contrast, the bad effects that they do in this band can give reflective things to our lives. Because the music of ‘Bring Me the Horizon’ is liked by youngsters or several people who enjoy this kind of genres, the directions of the band are straight to them. They begin to imitate the ways of members of the band’s lives. For instance, tattoos as the identity of their vocalist become one of the bad impacts to the youngsters in 15-18 years old. Then they want to get the tattoos as like as the members of the band. 

As stated in early paragraph above we can conclude that the huge fans are the parts of popular culture which is screamo music such as ‘Bring Me the Horizon’. In brief, the popular culture constructs the meaning of art; especially music of ‘Bring Me the Horizon’ is as a phenomenon where everybody can get influenced by what they do. Needless to say, we are as the people who may enjoy their works/songs, for now or later this is a pop culture that will be coming signs of our lives or societies.


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